Monday, January 18, 2010


A fight broke out in the Taiwanese Parliament today. Why can't our governing bodies behave so honestly? With all the lies and deceit surrounding any given political issue, how refreshing it is to see an argument reach such heights. It may seem barbaric, even reptilian, to throw a fist during a debate. It is often a sign that the aggressor is probably wrong, and has simply reached such a apex of rage, that only good ol' fashioned fisticuffs seem to be in order. Now, I don't prescribe to "might makes right," but who among us hasn't at least once thought of administering a savage beating to a politician? Who hasn't thought of leaving some of these characters broken and bleeding under the harsh, spotlight of a lone, flickering streetlamp, whimpering as his shoes are tied together and hurled onto some phone lines above?

I think it would give a little incentive to our lawmakers. "Do as we say, make this system work, or we may be liable to mess you up..." Maybe I'm being naive here, maybe it's just impractical. While I thought Congressman Preston Brook's 1856 bludgeoning of Senator Charles Sumner with a cane was hilarious when I first read about it in US History, I now realize it was simply the unbridled and race-fueled rage of a disgruntled slave-owner. So I retract my laughter, even though beating a senator sounds like a rousing good time, I cannot advocate an attack against an abolitionist at the hands of some simple bigot. God save the Union.

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