Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day of the Jackal

First a novel I haven't read, then a really great flick, "The Day of the Jackal" focuses on an assassin who's totally freelance and absolutely indifferent to the moral significance of his actions or his mission. He's hired by an underground French group to kill President Charles de Gaulle. Professional, and very cool about everything from work to style -- the Jackal is a man of action. You never get his real name, or hear much come out of his mouth. But he's completely coooool. His fee is so high, the underground group has to start knocking over banks just to pay it. He's no Frenchman, this guy's British. A lot like James Bond in terms of swagger, cunning and skill; except he's kind of a son of a bitch.

Anyone, ANYONE who gets in his way or finds out his mission is instantly iced. He meets a beautiful woman and sleeps with her while he's hiding out at some inn. But then he strangles the chick because she finds out who he is! Basically, at any point he senses someone on his trail, he kills them in the next room, off camera. No anger, no emotion, it's just something that needs to be done. With all that said, he's still got slick outfits and killer cars throughout. Not many cats can rock a dandy little European ascot under a button down, while icing somebody.

Going through a checkpoint.

Another checkpoint.

Love this little car.

Here's he's painting his whip a new color to dodge the pigs.